Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The City that MOTO-vates Canada

How fitting that the day I discover the craziness that is Facebook and end up reliving my teenage years in the Shwa is also Stephen Colbert Day and Mr. Darrin Rows, the man who used to be the boy who prevented me from entering Madame Hoef's French class, is opening the festivities.

I have to say though, I am rather distressed to find out that they've dispensed with the old motto for "Prepare to Be Amazed". Amazed by what, pray tell? The Oshawa Centre? The Genosh? The Automotive Museum? Oshawa never even had Wheelies or Stairways. If they did, that'd be another story.


The Chapati Kid said...

That's funny!

Julie said...

What does facebook even mean?
And i don't believe you, the slogan was never "the city that moto-vates canada"

Caro said...

I have to say the new slogan would make me want to actually visit Oshawa more than the first. Only now you've told me too much about it.